
FR 9 Build 315: 01-01-2011

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FR 9 Build 315: 01-01-2011

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FR 9 Build 315: 01-01-2011

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General Enhancements or Fixes

Added 2011 support for the "by Year" reports. These reports support the current year plus up to 5 previous years 2006 -> 2011.
The Last Month date option was not working properly and causing the following error "Invalid argument to date encode" to occur. This release resolves this issue.



The Sales at a Glance Dashboard did not display the previous years results correctly when the "YTY" option was selected.
The International Sales dashboard column headers were changed to match the naming conventions used with reports.


Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR)

Echo Online file support added.


PayPal Reconciliation (PPR)

Added support for the "Mobile Payment Received" PayPal payment type.
Improve the matching algorithms for PayPal payments received for eBay transactions. With this release most user's will see fewer unmatched eBay related transactions when running the "Unmatched Transaction" report with each transaction file.
Other minor improvements have been made to improve the PPR.
PPR user's can now see an performance improvement with the PPR by adding an index to the "Transaction" table "Auto number" field.


New Reports

Customer Sales by Category - Detail: This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.
Customer Sales by Category - Summary: This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.
Related Inventory: This report in located in the Inventory section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Assemblies - Weekly Sales Summary

Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.


Incomplete - Open BOs or Drop Ships

Added an internal filter to exclude canceled orders.


International Sales by Date

The report layout was changed to match the State Sales by Date and Province Sales by Date reports.


Inventory Management by SKU

Added the PAvg column which displays the average of units sold during each period specified.
Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Inventory Management by Supplier

Added the PAvg column which displays the average of units sold during each period specified.
Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Inventory Management by Category

Added the PAvg column which displays the average of units sold during each period specified.
Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Kits - Weekly Sales Summary

Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.


Parent SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary

Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.


Product Listing by Supplier

Supplier totals were not resetting correctly and were accumulating instead.


Purchasing Management by SKU

Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Purchasing Management by Supplier

Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Purchasing Management by Category

Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Sales by SKU

Added "QOH" column to the report.


Sales by Supplier SKUs - Net Sold

Added an "Calculate Actual Returns" option to the data filters so the actual returns during the period selected will be used instead of the total returns for the order.
Added the "On Order" column to the report.
Added an "Exclude discontinued SKUs" option to the data filters.
Added an "Show all SKUs" option to the data filters.
Removed the QuantityShipped > 0 constraint.


Sales Summary

Added "Nbr Orders" count to the report summary.


Sales Summary - Net Profit

Added "Nbr Orders" count to the report summary.


SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary

Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.


Suggested Product Order

Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

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