
FR 9 Build 312: 10-26-2010

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FR 9 Build 312: 10-26-2010

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FR 9 Build 312: 10-26-2010

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PayPal Reconciliation (PPR)

an "Include Credit Card Transactions" filter option has been added to the "Order Reconciliation" report for those merchants who use PayPal as their credit card payment gateway.
Improve the matching algorithms to improve the transaction matching with SEOM. With this release most user's will see fewer unmatched transactions when running the "Unmatched Transaction" report with each transaction file.
Other minor improvements have been made to improve the PPR.
PPR user's can now see an performance improvement with the PPR by adding an index to the "Transaction" table "Autonumber" field.



Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR)

Yahoo FDMS batch issue resolved for merchants with more than 1 Yahoo store.
Transaction ID can now be used for transaction files. This is an automatic feature and will be used when the other methods do not yield a match to SEOM.



General Enhancements or Fixes

Zoom Percent option has been expanded from one zoom % to 7. Instead of the single 100% zoom you can now choose 6 additional zooms: 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, and %200.
These options can be found both on the ribbon in the options section or from any report by clicking the right mouse button for the context menu and selecting from the sub-menus of the "Zoom Percent" menu item.
The expanded zoom % options is handy for user's with higher or lower than average screen resolutions. This enhancement provides a means to adjust the report magnification beyond the defaults supplied with Communiqué.


Source of Sales Issue

Manual orders assigned to a shopping cart were being double counted in the source of sales reports and dashboards since both the source and cart id were assigned simultaneously. This normally does not occur with a manual order or an internet order. It only occurs when you enter a manual order then assign it to a cart. When the assignment of the manual order to a shopping cart is made, SEOM does not remove the manual order designation. Orders like this will have 2 source of sale designations and will cause it to be double counted.

The solution is to enforce a simple rule when dealing with orders which have dual assignments: Any manual order with no cart assignment will be treated as a bona fide manual order. Any manual order which also has a cart id will not be counted along with the manual orders, but counted with the cart id assigned to it. This is the only method we could devise to prevent orders from being counted twice.


New Reports

Assemblies - Weekly Sales Summary: This report in located in the Inventory -> Assemblies section.
Inventory Received - SKU Summary: This report in located in the Purchase Orders section.
Inventory Received - Supplier Summary: This report in located in the Purchase Orders section.
Kits - Weekly Sales Summary: This report in located in the Inventory -> Kits section.
Parent SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary: This report in located in the Inventory -> Parent SKUs section.
Parent SKUs - Best Sellers: This report in located in the Inventory -> Parent SKUs section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Back Orders by Customer

Added a Customer ID filter to the data filters.


Best Sellers

Added a "# Orders" column to the report.


Category Sales by SKU

Added report grand totals.
Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.


Category Sales by Date

Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.


Category Sales - Sales by Month

Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.


Category Sales - Sales by Quarter

Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.


Category Sales - Sales by Year

Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.


Customer Directory

Added source of sales filter.


Customer Phone Book

Added source of sales filter.


Days Since Last Order

Added Sales Person filter to the data filters.


Inventory Management Reports

Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation. It no longer is based on the report date. This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any period in the past as well.
Adjust for returns data filter option. When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.
The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.
The "PAvg" column was added to display the Period Average. This value is the total number of units sold divided by the number of periods selected.
A report summary and grand total was added.


Physical Inventory

Removed the PrimarySupplier = True constraint to the query so all SKUs display on this report even though a primary supplier has not been specified. This constraint is not necessary for this report since the data for this report is not group by supplier.


Purchase Order Discrepancies

Adjusted the calculations for the "On Order" column.


Purchasing Management Reports

Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation. It no longer is based on the report date. This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any period in the past as well.
Adjust for returns data filter option. When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.
The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.
A report summary and grand total was added.


Pick List by Order

Added a category filter to the data filters.


Pick List by Shipping Method

Added a category filter to the data filters.


Pick List by SKU

Added a category filter to the data filters.


Product Listing

Added the reports totals to the end of the report so now you can see the grand totals for the report.


Returns and Exchanges

Added a Customer ID filter to the data filters.


Sales by Supplier SKUs

The margin column in the report grand totals were averaging and not based off of the grand totals so we fixed this.


SKU Analyzer

Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation. It no longer is based on the report date. This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any 90 period in the past as well.
Adjust for returns data filter option. When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.
The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.
The "PAvg" column was added to display the Period Average. This value is the total number of units sold divided by the number of periods selected.
A report summary and grand total was added.


SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary

Fixed the sort option for the "Total" column was not working properly.


Suggested Product Order

Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation. It no longer is based on the report date. This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any 90 period in the past as well.
Adjust for returns data filter option. When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.
The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.
The "PAvg" column was added to display the Period Average. This value is the total number of units sold divided by 6.


Top Inventory

Added a "# Orders" column to the report.

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