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communiqué release notes

Feature Release 9
Version 1.9 build 315, updated January, 3, 2011

General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Added 2011 support for the "by Year" reports.  These reports support the current year plus up to 5 previous years 2006 -> 2011.

  • The Last Month date option was not working properly and causing the following error "Invalid argument to date encode" to occur.  This release resolves this issue.


The Sales at a Glance Dashboard did not display the previous years results correctly when the "YTY" option was selected.

The International Sales dashboard column headers were changed to match the naming conventions used with reports.


Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR)

  • Echo Online file support added.


PayPal Reconciliation (PPR)

  • Added support for the "Mobile Payment Received" PayPal payment type.

  • Improve the matching algorithms for PayPal payments received for eBay transactions.  With this release most user's will see fewer unmatched eBay related transactions when running the "Unmatched Transaction" report with each transaction file.

  • Other minor improvements have been made to improve the PPR.

  • PPR user's can now see an performance improvement with the PPR by adding an index to the "Transaction" table "Autonumber" field.


New Reports

  • Customer Sales by Category - Detail:  This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.

  • Customer Sales by Category - Summary:  This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.

  • Related Inventory: This report in located in the Inventory section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Assemblies - Weekly Sales Summary

  • Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.

Incomplete - Open BOs or Drop Ships

  • Added an internal filter to exclude canceled orders.

International Sales by Date

  • The report layout was changed to match the State Sales by Date and Province Sales by Date reports.

Inventory Management by SKU

  • Added the PAvg column which displays the average of units sold during each period specified.

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

Inventory Management by Supplier

  • Added the PAvg column which displays the average of units sold during each period specified.

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

Inventory Management by Category

  • Added the PAvg column which displays the average of units sold during each period specified.

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

Kits - Weekly Sales Summary

  • Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.

Parent SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary

  • Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.

Product Listing by Supplier

  • Supplier totals were not resetting correctly and were accumulating instead.

Purchasing Management by SKU

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

Purchasing Management by Supplier

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

Purchasing Management by Category

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.

Sales by SKU

  • Added "QOH" column to the report.

Sales by Supplier SKUs - Net Sold

  • Added an "Calculate Actual Returns" option to the data filters so the actual returns during the period selected will be used instead of the total returns for the order.

  • Added the "On Order" column to the report.

  • Added an "Exclude discontinued SKUs" option to the data filters.

  • Added an "Show all SKUs" option to the data filters.

  • Removed the QuantityShipped > 0 constraint.

Sales Summary

  • Added "Nbr Orders" count to the report summary.

Sales Summary - Net Profit

  • Added "Nbr Orders" count to the report summary.

SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary

  • Resolved an issue with the "Source of Sale" not filtering correctly.

Suggested Product Order

  • Added the Value column to list of sort able fields.


Feature Release 9
Version 1.9 build 312, updated October, 26, 2010

PayPal Reconciliation (PPR)

  • an "Include Credit Card Transactions" filter option has been added to the "Order Reconciliation" report for those merchants who use PayPal as their credit card payment gateway.

  • Improve the matching algorithms to improve the transaction matching with SEOM.  With this release most user's will see fewer unmatched transactions when running the "Unmatched Transaction" report with each transaction file.

  • Other minor improvements have been made to improve the PPR.

  • PPR user's can now see an performance improvement with the PPR by adding an index to the "Transaction" table "Autonumber" field.


Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR)

  • Yahoo FDMS batch issue resolved for merchants with more than 1 Yahoo store.

  • Transaction ID can now be used for Authorize.net transaction files.  This is an automatic feature and will be used when the other methods do not yield a match to SEOM.


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Zoom Percent option has been expanded from one zoom % to 7.  Instead of the single 100% zoom you can now choose 6 additional zooms:  50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, and %200.

  • These options can be found both on the ribbon in the options section or from any report by clicking the right mouse button for the context menu and selecting from the sub-menus of the "Zoom Percent" menu item.

  • The expanded zoom % options is handy for user's with higher or lower than average screen resolutions.  This enhancement provides a means to adjust the report magnification beyond the defaults supplied with Communiqué.


Source of Sales Issue

Manual orders assigned to a shopping cart were being double counted in the source of sales reports and dashboards since both the source and cart id were assigned simultaneously.  This normally does not occur with a manual order or an internet order.  It only occurs when you enter a manual order then assign it to a cart.  When the assignment of the manual order to a shopping cart is made, SEOM does not remove the manual order designation.  Orders like this will have 2 source of sale designations and will cause it to be double counted.


The solution is to enforce a simple rule when dealing with orders which have dual assignments:  Any manual order with no cart assignment will be treated as a bona fide manual order.  Any manual order which also has a cart id will not be counted along with the manual orders, but counted with the cart id assigned to it.  This is the only method we could devise to prevent orders from being counted twice.


New Reports

  • Assemblies - Weekly Sales Summary: This report in located in the Inventory -> Assemblies section.

  • Inventory Received - SKU Summary: This report in located in the Purchase Orders section.

  • Inventory Received - Supplier Summary: This report in located in the Purchase Orders section.

  • Kits - Weekly Sales Summary: This report in located in the Inventory -> Kits section.

  • Parent SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary: This report in located in the Inventory -> Parent SKUs section.

  • Parent SKUs - Best Sellers: This report in located in the Inventory -> Parent SKUs section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Back Orders by Customer

  • Added a Customer ID filter to the data filters.

Best Sellers

  • Added a "# Orders" column to the report.

Category Sales by SKU

  • Added report grand totals.

  • Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.

Category Sales by Date

  • Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.

Category Sales - Sales by Month

  • Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.

Category Sales - Sales by Quarter

  • Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.

Category Sales - Sales by Year

  • Added an item count which displays the number of items on the report.

Customer Directory

  • Added source of sales filter.

Customer Phone Book

  • Added source of sales filter.

Days Since Last Order

  • Added Sales Person filter to the data filters.

Inventory Management Reports

  • Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation.  It no longer is based on the report date.  This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any period in the past as well.

  • Adjust for returns data filter option.  When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.

  • The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.

  • The "PAvg" column was added to display the Period Average.  This value is the total number of units sold divided by the number of periods selected.

  • A report summary and grand total was added.

Physical Inventory

  • Removed the PrimarySupplier = True constraint to the query so all SKUs display on this report even though a primary supplier has not been specified.  This constraint is not necessary for this report since the data for this report is not group by supplier.

Purchase Order Discrepancies

  • Adjusted the calculations for the "On Order" column.

Purchasing Management Reports

  • Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation.  It no longer is based on the report date.  This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any period in the past as well.

  • Adjust for returns data filter option.  When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.

  • The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.

  • A report summary and grand total was added.

Pick List by Order

  • Added a category filter to the data filters.

Pick List by Shipping Method

  • Added a category filter to the data filters.

Pick List by SKU

  • Added a category filter to the data filters.

Product Listing

  • Added the reports totals to the end of the report so now you can see the grand totals for the report.

Returns and Exchanges

  • Added a Customer ID filter to the data filters.

Sales by Supplier SKUs

  • The margin column in the report grand totals were averaging and not based off of the grand totals so we fixed this.

SKU Analyzer

  • Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation.  It no longer is based on the report date.  This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any 90 period in the past as well.

  • Adjust for returns data filter option.  When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.

  • The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.

  • The "PAvg" column was added to display the Period Average.  This value is the total number of units sold divided by the number of periods selected.

  • A report summary and grand total was added.

SKUs - Weekly Sales Summary

  • Fixed the sort option for the "Total" column was not working properly.

Suggested Product Order

  • Added a thru date selector which allows you to set the end date for the sales evaluation.  It no longer is based on the report date.  This feature gives the added benefit of allowing you to evaluate any 90 period in the past as well.

  • Adjust for returns data filter option.  When toggled on it will apply returns to the calculations.

  • The "Value" column was added to display the inventory value of the SKU.

  • The "PAvg" column was added to display the Period Average.  This value is the total number of units sold divided by 6.

Top Inventory

  • Added a "# Orders" column to the report.

Feature Release 9
Version 1.9 build 308, updated September, 10, 2010

PayPal Reconciliation (PPR)

  • Yahoo FDMS data file improvements for more accurate transaction matching.

  • Added an additional check for certain negative numbers.  Some customers are seeing their negative numbers formatted like (1.88) instead if -1.88.  The PPR did not recognize (1.88) as a negative so an error occurred during the import of the transaction.  This issue is now resolved with this release.


The Sales at a Glance Dashboard 14 day selector was not working properly.

Days Out of Stock (DOOS) Monitor

  • This utility will monitor each SKU daily and track each day it is out of stock  You will be able to look at a time frame and be able to know how many days the SKU was out of stock during that period.  For those merchants who do not sell an item if its out of stock, the ability to track days out of stock are crucial.
  • More to come about this utility.


QOH Audit with Inventory As Of Dates and Quantities

  • This utility will help speed up updating SEOM when taking physical inventory of your warehouse since you can import barcode scanner files.
  • As a side affect, you will be able to keep track of the As of Date and Quantity for each scanned SKU.
  • More to come about this utility.


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Adjusted the On Order calculation to exclude drops ships.

  • Office 2010 themes were added.  You can find them in the Appearance tab -> More Schemes - MS Office.

  • Invoice Reconciliation section was removed from the reconciliation section.

  • Archives were moved to the Miscellaneous reports section to provide more room for other sections to be added in the near future.

  • The report navigation method has changed.  The navigation keys are no longer in the main status bar, but found on each report's filter bar.

  • The Sales Number option box captions have been changed to match the nomenclature used in SEOM.  The following changes were made:

    • Initial -> Original

    • Initial Product Total -> Original Product Total

    • Initial Grand Total -> Original Grand Total

    • Final -> Revised

    • Final Product Total -> Revised Product Total

    • Final Grand Total -> Revised Product Total




New Reports

  • RFM Customers by Source: This report in located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes
Backorders by Supplier

  • Added a PrimarySupplier = True filter to the query so sales attributed to the primary supplier would not display with the secondary supplier.

Credit Listing by Customer

  • Added an ignore date option to the data filters so you can see all of the customers and credits regardless of date.

Credit Listing by Order

  • Added an ignore date option to the data filters so you can see all of the orders regardless of date.

Drop Ships - No Supplier Invoice

  • Added an additional check for InvoiceNumber = 0 for those whose default value for the field is 0.

  • Added an Order # column to the report

Drop Shipped Orders

  • Added Item count totals at the end of the report.

Drop Shipped Orders - Net Profit

  • Added Item count totals at the end of the report.

Inventory Turn Over Rate

  • Added an On Order column to the report.

  • On Order is now part of the calculation.

  • Add a Total column: QOH + On Order

Open Balances by Order

  • Approval date and Order date were switched causing the incorrect results to display.  When approval date was selected the results for order date were displayed and vice versa.

Purchase Order Discrepancy Report

  • The Needed was not calculating correctly.

Purchase Orders - No Supplier Invoice

  • Added an additional check for InvoiceNumber = 0 for those whose default value for the field is 0.

Inventory Management by Category

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

Inventory Management by SKU

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

Inventory Management by Supplier

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

Inventory Purchasing by Category

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

Inventory Purchasing by SKU

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

Inventory Purchasing by Supplier

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

SKU Analyzer

  • Support for Days Out of Stock (DOOS) has been added.

Feature Release 9
Version 1.9 build 305, updated July, 14, 2010
Top Customers, Inventory, and Suppliers now retains the user selected Top Amt setting.  The next time you start Communiqué, it will be set to the last setting you selected..


General Enhancements or Fixes
Allot of work was done to reduce the memory footprint for Communiqué by nearly two thirds.  You will notice Communiqué starts faster and is a bit more responsive especially for those of you who have older less robust computers.


New Images added to help you quickly identify new standard reports and updates to existing reports


This image next to any report indicates changes/fixes/enhancements have been made to this report since the last release.


This image next to a report or sub-section indicates it's new to Communiqué and first available in the current release.


These indicators are release specific so these images will only show in the release the report was changed or the release when the report was newly added to Communiqué.



New Reports
Average New Customer Value: This report in located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.

Assembly Listing: This report is located in the Inventory -> Assemblies section.

Assembly Build List:  This report is located in the Inventory -> Assemblies section.

Drop Ship Orders - Net Profit: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.

Parent SKUs - Sales by Date: This report is located in the Inventory -> Parent SKUs section.
Purchase Order Discrepancies: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.

Physical Inventory: This report is located in the Inventory section.

Supplier Costs by Date: This report is located in the Suppliers -> Supplier Cost section.

An Assemblies subsection has been added to the Inventory section.

A Parent SKUs subsection has been added to the Inventory section.

A Suppliers Cost subsection has been added to the Suppliers section.

The Suppliers -> SKUs sub-section has been moved to the Inventory section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes
Drop Ships - Actual vs. Expected Costs

  • Added a "Suppress 0 Variance" filter.

Drop Ships - No Supplier Invoice

  • Added and "Exclude Close Purchase Orders" filter.

Orders - No Tracking Numbers

  • Added a "Drop Ship Orders Only" filter.

  • Added "Exclude Drop Ships" filter.

Order Tracking Info

  • Added Shipment Count to the report summary.

  • Added a Source of Sale filter.

  • Added "Order Date" and "Approval Date" to the list of date options for this report.

Purchase Orders - No Supplier Invoice

  • Added and "Exclude Close Purchase Orders" filter.

Shipping Cost by Order

  • Added Order Count to the report summary.

SKU Analyzer

  • Added Source of Sale filter.

Zero Sales Listing - All related reports in this group

  • Added a "Days Qualifier" filter option to these reports so you can set the minimum number of days before a non-selling SKU will show up on this report.

Feature Release 9
Version 1.1.9 build 304, updated June, 10, 2010

Favorite Reports
A new feature "Favorite Reports" have been added for this release. Essentially the Favorites offers you a convenient way to organize your favorite reports. A favorites tab has been added to the dashboard giving you the ability to organize reports as you see fit. Communiqué now ships with more than 200 standard reports with more on the way. As more reports are added, navigating the menus take more time. Organizing your most used reports as favorites provides quicker access to those reports.

Merge or Purge Duplicates Utility
The merge and purge utility is now complete and ready to use. Additional features and enhancements have been added since the preview was released.

Amazon Settlement Reports (ASR)
Added an FBA subsection for FBA related reports and actions.
Added an inventory import feature so you can import your FBA inventory.
Added an Inventory Values report for FBA inventory,

Renamed the L12 tab to L12M. The M meaning months
Added an L12W tab which lets you look at sales for the last 12 weeks.

General Enhancements or Fixes
Turned auto refresh off when navigating back to the dashboard.
Web help integration has been completed.

New Reports
International SKU Sales: This report is located in the Goes - International Sales section.
Weekly Sales Summary: This report is located in the Supplier - SKU Sales section.

Report Enhancements and Fixes
Inventory Management - All related reports in this group
Added RQOH (recommended QOH) to the report. This value represents the recommended quantity on hand for the SKU.

Inventory Purchasing - All related reports in this group
Added RQOH (recommended QOH) to the report. This value represents the recommended quantity on hand for the SKU.

SKU Analyzer
Added RQOH (recommended QOH) to the report. This value represents the recommended quantity on hand for the SKU.

Sales Person Detail
Added sales number filter selector.

Sales Person Summary
Added sales number filter selector.

An "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter option has been added to the following reports
Suppliers -> SKU Sales: all reports in this subsection.

Country and State Selectors
Build 304 introduces an enhanced method for filtering both Countries and States. The previous method only allowed a single selection so you could only search 1 Country or State at a time.

The enhanced filtering method provides the ability to search for 2 or more Countries or States simultaneously. Now you have more flexibility filtering your reports by Country or State. You can group related States or Countries and view the results of those groupings together. You no longer have to print separate reports for each Country or State.


Feature Release 9
Version 1.1.9 build 302, updated May, 14, 2010

Merge or Purge Duplicates Utility

  • Pre-release preview.

  • Essentially this module is functional except for Merging or Purging duplicate customers.

  • The preview is designed to allow you to get an idea of how this module will work and hopefully provide us with feedback before the official release.

  • Additional features are already planned

    • Customer custom fields will be included with the customer record so you can use this data to help further evaluate customer data.

    • Order source will be added to the orders tab.

    • Web order id will also be added to the orders tab.


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Renamed the "Add-ons" tab to "Reconciliation".

  • Orders ribbon image changed to a more appropriate image suitable for the section.

  • Returns & Exchanges ribbon image changed to a more appropriate image suitable for the section.


New Reports

  1. Inventory Management by Category: This report is located in the Inventory - Management section.

  2. Inventory Purchasing by SKU: This report is located in the Inventory -> Management section.

  3. Inventory Purchasing by Supplier: This report is located in the Inventory -> Management section.

  4. Inventory Purchasing by Category: This report is located in the Inventory -> Management section.

  5. SKU Analyzer: This report is located in the Inventory - Management section. 

  6. Supplier Turnover Rate:  This report is located in the Suppliers section.


A Management subsection has been added to the inventory section.

  • Inventory Management reports were moved to this section.

  • Purchasing Management reports were moved this section.

  • Other Management related reports were moved to this section.


An On Order subsection has been added to the Inventory section.

  • All On Order related reports were moved to this section.


A Product Listing subsection has been added to the Inventory section.

  • All Product Listing related reports were moved to this section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Accounting Summary from History

  • Added an order number sort so prevent orphaned records.

Approved Orders - Products not Shipped

  • Added backorder (BO) and drop ship (DS) status to the report.

Backorders by Supplier

  • Added the QOH column to the report.

Inventory Management reports

  • Changed the default date options from Approval to Order date.

Pick List by SKU

  • Added a "QOH >= Quantity Ordered" filter for those user who want to print the, or list the item on the report regardless if the QOH is below the needed quantity.


Source and Category Selectors

Build 302 introduces an enhanced method for filtering both Source of Sales and Inventory Categories.  The previous method only allowed a single selection so you could only search 1 Source of Sale or Inventory Category at a time. 


The enhanced filtering method provides the ability to search for 2 or more Source of Sales or Inventory Categories simultaneously.  Now you have more flexibility filtering your reports by Source of Sale or Inventory Category.  You can group related Categories or Sources and view the results of those groupings together.  You no longer have to print separate reports for each category or source.

Feature Release 9
Version 1.1.9 build 300, updated April, 16, 2010

Search Descriptions

We've added "Search Descriptions" to all reports for feature release 9.  Search descriptions will list all of the criteria used to filter and generate each report.  This feature will make it easy to understand which filters and values were used to create each report.


By default, this feature is automatically enabled and will print at the end of each report.  You can turn this feature off by  right clicking your mouse button, and from the popup menu select the "User Settings" menu option then toggle off the "Display Search Descriptions" menu item.   



Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access tool bar was added to help save screen space for users with lower resolution monitors.  You can  toggle off the Tab Groups from the Appearance tab of the ribbon bar giving you more viewable screen space for reports.  The quick access tool resides at the top of Communiqué's main window conveniently out of the way.  You have access to all 200 plus standard reports by clicking any one of the arrows and selecting a desired report. 


PayPal Reconciliation (PPR)

  • Initial release.



Category Sales

  • Initial Release.

Sales at a Glance

  • Added a Yearly tab to view sales from year to year.

  • Added an L12 tab so you can display sales for the last 12 months.

  • Added a YTY option so you can compare this years sales with sales from the same period last year.  This option does not work for the Yearly tab.

Top Inventory

  • Added a Margin column.


Index Optimizations for Communiqué

  • Orders -> Shipping

  • Inventory -> Category


Kits and Kit related issues

We've put allot of work into resolving Kit related issues - most if not all should be resolved.  If you find any additional issues let us know.


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Report Search Descriptions.

  • Quick Access Toolbar

  • 2010 year support for reports making year to year comparisons.

  • Calculating the Web Order Nbr or Web ID now displays blank instead of 0.

  • Sales Tax reports:  Added full state name to the search so the abbreviation and full name are used for locating taxable sales.

  • Section counts haves been added to many reports so you will know how many items are listed.  Not all reports have this feature and some reports will not accommodate this feature due to space limitations.

  • Top Selectors:  Added 75 & 100 to the drop down lists.  Also added the ability to manually edit the number so you can enter any number you like.  Caution should be used because you inadvertently retrieve large volumes of data which may cause the report to execute very slowly.

  • Added "Exclude Drop Ships" filter option to many of the inventory reports.

  • Added a "Do Not Mail To" filter to the data filters for all reports in the Customer section.


New Reports

  1. Approved Orders - Products not Shipped:  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  2. Cancelled Orders - Notes Log:  This report is located in the Orders section.

  3. Carrier Summary:  This report is located in the Shipping -> Shipping Cost section. 

  4. Category Sales by Month:  This report is located in the Sales -> Categories section. 

  5. Category Sales by Quarter:  This report is located in the Sales -> Categories section.

  6. Category Sales by Year:  This report is located in the Sales -> Categories section.   

  7. Customer Sales by SKU:  This report is located in the Customer -> Customer Sales section.   

  8. Customer Sales by Category:  This report is located in the Customer -> Customer Sales section.   

  9. Days Since Last Order: : This report is located in the Customer section.   

  10. Deposit Slip: This report is located in the Miscellaneous section.  

  11. Drop Ships - Actual vs. Expected Costs: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.  

  12. Drop Ships - No Supplier Invoice: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.  

  13. International Sales by Month:  This report is located in the Geos -> International Sales section. 

  14. International Sales by Quarter:  This report is located in the Geos -> International Sales section.

  15. International Sales by Year:  This report is located in the Geos -> International Sales section.   

  16. Inventory Received: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.

  17. Inventory Received by Supplier: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.  

  18. Inventory Sold but not Shipped:  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  19. Inventory Values by Category:  This report is located in the Suppliers section.

  20. Kit Listing: This report is located in the Inventory -> Kits section.  

  21. Open POs - Details by Supplier: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.  

  22. Open POs - Summary by Supplier: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.  

  23. Order Listing:  This report is located in the Orders section.

  24. Payment Transaction History:  This report is located in the Customer section.

  25. Product Listing - Net Sold:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

  26. Purchase Orders - No Supplier Invoice: This report is located in the Purchase Orders section. 

  27. RMA Summary: This report is located in the Returns & Exchanges section.   

  28. Shipments Missing Cost:  This report is located in the Shipping -> Shipping Cost section.

  29. Shipping Cost by Carrier:  This report is located in the Shipping -> Shipping Cost section.

  30. Shipping Cost by Method:  This report is located in the Shipping -> Shipping Cost section.

  31. Turn Over Rate:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

A Kits sub section has been added to the Inventory section.

A Shipping Costs sub section has been added to the Shipping section


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Accounting Summary from History

  • Added a Shipping Cost column for a more accurate net profit and margin.

  • Added "Source of Sale" filter option to the data filters.

  • Added "Status" column to the report.

Best Sellers

  • Added the "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter option to the data filters.

Customer Sales by SKU

  • Added a Category filter to the data filters.

Customer Directory

  • Added a "Do Not Mail To" filter to the data filters so you can exclude customers who've already indicated they do not want you contacting them.

Customer Phone Book

  • Added a "Do Not Mail To" filter to the data filters so you can exclude customers who've already indicated they do not want you contacting them.

Drop Ship Orders

  • Added a Country field.

High Dollar Buyers

  • Added a "Do Not Mail To" filter to the data filters so you can exclude customers who've already indicated they do not want you contacting them.

Product Listing

  • Added the "Exclude Drop Ships" filter option to the data filters.

Product Listing - Net Sold

  • Added the "Exclude Drop Ships" filter option to the data filters.

Product Listing by Supplier

  • Added the "Exclude Drop Ships" filter option to the data filters.

Purchase Order Status

  • Added a expected total summary.

Repeat Buyers

  • Added a "Do Not Mail To" filter to the data filters so you can exclude customers who've already indicated they do not want you contacting them.

Sales by Supplier SKUs

  • Added a Report grand total.

Sales by Supplier SKUs - Net Profit

  • Added a Report grand total.

Sales by Suppliers

  • Returns are now used for calculations.

Sales Taxes by Jurisdiction

  • Resolved an issue with this report when jurisdictions are not defined correctly or when there are no jurisdictions.

Shipping Costs by Order

  • The Carrier combo box now accepts manual entry so you can search by carriers not found in your lookup table.

  • The Ship Method combo box now accepts manual entry so you can search by Ship Methods not found in your lookup table.

Shipping Method Summary

  • Totally revamped so its even more useful.

Source of Sale Counts by Year

  • Added a data filters dialog so you can filter it exactly like the other Source of Sale Counts reports.

Source of Sale Sales by Year

  • Added a data filters dialog so you can filter it exactly like the other Source of Sale Sales reports.

Suggested Product Order

  • Added the "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter option to the data filters.

Top Customers

  • Added a "Do Not Mail To" filter to the data filters so you can exclude customers who've already indicated they do not want you contacting them.

Top Inventory

  • Added color coding for the Needed column.

  • Added the "Exclude Drop Ships" filter option to the data filters.

  • Added the "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter option to the data filters.


Relocated Reports

Drop Shipped Orders report moved to the Purchase Orders section.

Method Summary report moved to the Shipping -> Shipping Cost sub-section.

Shipping Costs by Order report moved to the Shipping -> Shipping Cost sub-section.


Web Help

  • Initial release.

Feature Release 8
Version 1.1.8 build 290, updated December 22, 2009
We've made some structural changes to Communiqué to accommodate add-ons like Amazon Settlement Reports (ASR), Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR),  PayPal Reconciliation (PPR), and others (sold separately).  The capability for these add-ons are fully available with feature release 8 as shown in the following screen shot of the Add-Ons tab.

The Amazon Settlement Reports (ASR) and the Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR) add-on modules are available now (sold separately).  The PayPal Reconciliation (PPR) add-on expected release is mid to end of January 2010.

Enhanced Data Filters

The data filter enhancements referred to in the FR 7 sneak peek is now fully implemented in FR 8 - take a look at the screen shot to the right.  The choice of date options have been expanded as well as the choice of sales numbers to use on a report.


Most reports allow you to choose between Order, Approval, and Import date with some reports having additional date options like Detail and Shipped Date.  You can also choose between the initial and final sales numbers.  Some reports will let you choose between Product Total, Grand Total, Final Product Total, and Final Grand Total.


The extended date options along with the choice in sales numbers will allow you to determine the meaning and value of the report.  You can use any combination you wish since the choice is now up to you.


Retaining user settings for Data Filters

The ability to retain user settings for reports and data filters are a work in progress.  Some reports have this capability already, most do not.  We are targeting FR 9 for full implementation of this feature.


Column Sorting

Column sorting for the reports are now complete with FR8.  All reports in Communiqué now have column sorting capabilities.  Due to data issues, not all columns on every report is sort able.  Every report; however, does has this capability as of this feature release.


Amazon Settlement Reports (ASR)

  • Added support for Pro Merchant accounts.

  • Added support for multiple accounts by adding a name field to the import dialog.

  • Changed how the ASR calculates the margin for the Order Summary report.

  • Added support for the Gift Wrap option for Pro Merchant accounts.


Credit Card Reconciliation (CCR)

  • Initial release.



International Sales

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.

Payment Methods

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.

Sales at a Glance

  • Added Area and Line chart options.

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.

Sales Activity Summary

  • Changed the shipment logic from the status field in the Orders table to the Tracking table since it's more accurate way of determining if an order is awaiting shipment.

Sales by Person

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.

Source of Sales

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.

Top Customers

  • Added new for this feature release.

Top Inventory

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.

Top Suppliers

  • Added a configure menu option so you can configure the dashboard panel to use the dates and sales numbers of your choosing.  These selections are save so the next time you start Communiqué, it will already be configured.


Index Optimizations for Communiqué

Due to changes with the Dashboard and the way we filter Kits, you may need to add some additional indexes to your Order Manager database to improve start up time and faster report generation.  If you are experiencing start up delays, or your reports may be taking longer than they should, you may want to create indexes for the following fields in the following tables

  • Orders -> OrderSource

  • Orders -> CartID

  • Orders -> ApprovalDate

  • [Order Details] -> DetailDate

  • [Order Details] -> Type

Adding these indexes will noticeably improve Communiqué's performance during startup and report generation.  Depending on feedback, we may look at other optimization to improve performance.


Kits and Kit related issues

We've put allot of work into resolving Kit related issues - most should be resolved.  If you find any additional issues let us know.


New Reports

  1. Customer Sales by SKU:  This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.

  2. Inventory Management by SKU:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

  3. Inventory Management by Supplier:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

  4. Order Detail Listing:  This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.

  5. Orphaned SKU - Missing Supplier:  This report is located in the Data section.

  6. Pick List by SKU:  This report is located in the Shipping section.

  7. SKU Sales by Customer:  This report is located in the Customers -> Customer Sales section.

  8. Source of Sales - Net Profit:  This report is located in the Sales section.

A Customer Sales sub section has been added to the Customer section


Ribbon Bar

  1. Help tab added.

  2. Favorites tab added - currently it's a place holder and has no immediate use, but will be used to place your favorite reports in a future feature release (in the works).

  3. Utilities tab added - currently it's a place holder and has no immediate use, but will used for utilities in a future feature release (in the works).


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Accounting Summary from History

  • Added a Shipping Cost column for a more accurate net profit and margin.

Best Sellers

  • Added a QOH column.

  • Added the Barcode option for this report which is selectable through the data filter dialog. 

Pick List by SKU

  • The "Pick List by SKU" report has been renamed to the "Pick List by Shipping Method" report. 

Product Listing

  • Added the Barcode option for this report which is selectable through the data filter dialog. 

Product Listing by Supplier

  • Added the Barcode option for this report which is selectable through the data filter dialog. 

Reorder Point

  • Added an On Order column.

  • Added a Needed column.

Sales at a Glance

  • Added many more data filter options.

Sales Taxes by ZIP Code

  • Added a POS option.

Supplier Sales

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKU" flag to the data filer dialog .

Top Suppliers

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKU" flag to the data filer dialog .



Starting with this release, we will no longer use the term Release, but rather we will using the term Feature Release (FR) instead.  The term FR more accurately describes what is being released - new standard reports, features, and other enhancements.

Version 1.1.7 build 274, updated October 20, 2009

This maintenance release fixes some minor issues with some reports.  Most of the issues are related to the new column sorting we've implemented in this release.  We've made some major framework changes to release 7 implementing the column sorting, alpha filtering, visual feedback, faster report generation, improved data filtering, etc. so some of these growing pains are inevitable.  

Enhanced Data Filters - Preview

The data filters make the report what it is.  Sometimes small nuances with the filters can change the meaning of the report dramatically.  The source of the numbers also play a key role in the meaning of the report.


It's been a difficult task determining which numbers and dates to use for most reports because of the variety of perspectives merchants have regarding their business operations.  For most reports, each perspective is valid depending on your point of view.


Questions like do we use the initial or final sales numbers?  Do we filter by Order or Approval date.  Do we display approved orders only and what do we do with those cancelled orders.  I've heard the arguments both ways and they are valid.  Last week a customer complained the "Payment Accountability by Source" report was based on the initial sales number and found it unacceptable.  Yesterday a customer bought Communiqué and thought the "Payment Accountability by Source" report using the initial sales numbers was exactly what they needed.


After careful thought and analysis, we decided to extend the capabilities of the data filters so it's more flexible and meaningful.  By exposing as much of the filtering as possible for each report, you get to decide the meaning of the report.  If you prefer the approval date instead of the order date, or prefer the initial sales numbers instead if the final sales numbers, or you want more flexibility with approved and cancelled orders then make your choices with our enhanced data filters and execute your report.


This is an important issue and we want to settle it once and for all (or at least as much as we can).  We will expose as much filtering as possible for each report where it makes sense.  Any report relying on the orders table will give you the ability to choose between order date and approval date along with the ability to choose between the initial and final sales numbers as well as approved and cancelled orders. Reports relying on the Order Details table will include the detail date and ship date as additional date options, etc., so on and so forth.


Some reports like the Customer -> Open Balances report however, are not suitable for switching the sales numbers since you are only ever interested in the final numbers.  Reports like Orders -> Approvals Pending by definition must exclude cancelled orders already so a filter to include cancelled orders are pointless and would change the very basic meaning of the report.


Release 8 is the target release for the enhanced data filters with the capabilities mentioned.  This issue is so important, we want to address it sooner rather than later.  We've pushed some enhancements and new standard reports originally scheduled for release 8 to a later release so we can focus on the data filter enhancements.


Take a look at the screen shot of the new data filters to get an idea of what we are proposing.  These capabilities are limited to reports in the Customer section for now, but will be extended to all reports for Release 8.   Any thoughts, comments or ideas are welcome.  You can forward those to techsupport@altaireon.com.



Retaining user settings for Data Filters

Data filters in the Customer section have been enhanced with the ability to retain user settings and selections from session to session.  The Data Filters will be preset to the same settings from the last time you executed the report.


This capability provides you with the ability to customize the default settings and selections for each report.  You may not like the default date range or other report options.  Set the various options to values more in line with your business needs.  If you ever want to reset the data filters to the original settings then click on the reset button.  The default settings will now be restored.


These capabilities are limited to reports in the Customer section for now, but will be extended to all reports for Release 8.  

Version 1.1.7 build 270, updated October 14, 2009

We've made some structural changes to Communiqué to accommodate add-ons like Amazon Settlement and others (sold separately).  The capability for add-ons will be available with release 7.  You will see some changes to the ribbon bar.  New categories have been added.  Custom reports can now be found in the Custom category, the export options is now in the Export category, and the Add Ons category will contain add-on modules for Communiqué.



The Amazon Settlement add-on module will be ready October 20, 2009 (sold separately).


Here are the release notes for Release 7:


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Architectural and framework changes were made to Communiqué which make running reports in some instances much faster.

  • Column sorting has been enhance significantly so it should be much faster.

  • Alpha Filtering has been enhance significantly so it should be much faster.


New Reports

  1. All Orders Missing Date Shipped:  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  2. All Pending (Not Approved Yet):  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  3. Drop Ships Missing Date Shipped:  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  4. FIFO Data Audit:  This report is located in the Data -> SKUs section.

  5. Incomplete (Open BO's or Drop Ships):  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  6. On Order Discrepancies:  This report is located in the Data -> SKUs section.

  7. On Order Summary:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

  8. On Order Summary by Supplier:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

  9. Orders by Payment Method:  This report is located in the Financials -> Payment Methods section.

  10. Open Balances by Order Number:  This report is located in the Financials section.

  11. Product Listing by Supplier:  This report is located in the Inventory section.

  12. Quotes with no Orders:  This report is located in the Sales -> Sales Quotes section.

  13. Sales Tax by City:  This report is located in the Financials -> Taxes section.

  14. Sales Tax by ZIP Code:  This report is located in the Financials -> Taxes section.

  15. SKU Cost Discrepancies:  This report is located in the Data -> SKUs section.

  16. Today's Pending Orders:  This report is located in the Orders -> Quick Filter section.

  17. Unapproved Orders with Payments:  This report is located in the Orders section.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Best Sellers

  • Fixed sort issue so it now sorts on the correct column.

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Back Orders to be Filled

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Cancelled Orders

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Complete Pending Orders

  • Implemented the report.  Was not working in prior release.

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Daily Sales

  • Chart labels now sort correctly. 

Inventory Values by Supplier

  • Added percentage of total for the QOH and Cost columns.

  • Added price and profit columns and percentages.

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Quote Summary by Date

  • Added Has Sales indicator

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Quote Summary by Sales Person

  • Added Has Sales indicator

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Reorder Summary

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Sales by Supplier

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Sales Summary

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Sales Tax by Jurisdiction

  • Takes into account whether shipping is taxable

  • Added approval date to the data filters.

Sales Tax by Order

  • Added Tax collected column

  • Takes into account whether shipping is taxable

  • Added approval date to the data filters.

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Shipping Cost by Order

  • Color coding added so you can identify values more quickly.

  • Carrier and Ship Methods searching improved.

  • Added additional sort columns for this report. 

Top Inventory

  • Pulling data and calculating from the wrong fields. 


The sub section "Payment Methods" has been added to the Financials section.  All payment method related reports were move to this sub-section.

The sub section "Taxes" has been added to the Financials section.  All tax related reports were moved to this sub-section.


Appearance Tab

Added the "Darkroom" color scheme to the More Schemes > Enhanced section. 

Added the "Foggy" color scheme to the More Schemes > Enhanced section. 

Added the "Seven" color scheme to the More Schemes > Enhanced section.

Added the "Sharp" color scheme to the More Schemes > Enhanced section.   


Version 1.1.6 build 250, updated September 7, 2009

The original plan for release 6 was focused primarily on optimization and performance enhancements.  Most of the reports execute quickly, but others ran more slowly, and some were very slow.  We developed some new methods, refined some processes, and optimized for speed to improve the overall performance of the reports in Communiqué.  All reports in Release 7 now provide visual feedback in the form of a progress bar located in the status bar.  There is even a cancel button for long running reports so you can stop it anytime.  We needed a little more time to finish implementing the optimizations, add-ons, and new features so we've pushed all of this back to release 7.


We've made some structural changes to Communiqué to accommodate add-ons like Amazon Settlement and others (sold separately).  The capability for add-ons will be available with release 7. 


We did not want you to wait any longer for some of the new standard reports, enhancements, and fixes already made so Release 6 will become the new  interim release.


The tentative date for Release 7 is October 1st.  We are finishing our beta testing cycle for the Amazon Settlement add-on and should have it ready by October 1st along with all of the other optimization previously mentioned.


Here are the release notes for Release 6:


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Display Pennies option not retaining the user selected value.


New Reports

Purchase Orders - On Order by SKU:  This report is located in the Purchase Orders section.

Sales by Supplier SKUs - Net Sold: This report is located in the Sales -> Sales by section.

Sales Summary - Net Profit:  This report is located in the Sales section.

Wholesale Price List:  This report is located in the Inventory section.



Sales at a Glance

  • The chart title now includes a chart total meaning the grand total displayed is a sum of all of the chart elements for the period specified.

Sales Activity Summary

  • Fixed the SQL error when the All tab was selected.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Detailed Sales

  • Added "Exclude returned orders" filter option to the data filters. 

High Dollar Buyers

  • Added the Email data field so the email address will be available when you export the data for this report. 

Order Summary

  • Added Order and Approval date options to the data filters. 

  • Column sorting for all columns in the report.

Payment Methods by Date

  • Changed the table reference from the Orders table to the Transactions table so the results from this report would match other Payment Methods reports.

  • Added report totals. 

Repeat Buyers

  • Added the Email data field so the email address will be available when you export the data for this report. 

Sales by Supplier SKUs

  • Added Order and Approval date options to the data filters. 

  • Column sorting for all columns in the report.

  • Added the following data columns to the report:

    • Item Cost

    • Sales Price

    • QOH

    • Inv Value

Sales by Supplier SKUs

  • Added a primary supplier filter to the data filters. 

  • Column sorting for all columns in the report.

Supplier Sales - Counts by Month

  • Added a primary supplier = true filter to the query. 

Supplier Sales - Counts by Quarter

  • Added a primary supplier = true filter to the query. 

Supplier Sales - Counts by Year

  • Added a primary supplier = true filter to the query. 

Supplier Sales - Sales by Month

  • Added a primary supplier = true filter to the query. 

Supplier Sales - Sales by Quarter

  • Added a primary supplier = true filter to the query. 

Supplier Sales - Sales by Year

  • Added a primary supplier = true filter to the query. 


Version 1.1.5 build 225, updated June 15, 2009


  • Data export

  • Archive reports

  • 12 new standard reports were added to release 5.

  • Column sorting - limited implementation, but all reports will be done within the next few releases.


General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Page number ranges in the navigator located in the status bar now reflect the correct page numbers after the report is first run.


Data Export

6 new data export options have been added  to this release.  You now have the ability to export raw data from any report in Communiqué.  You can use this data in other 3rd party applications for things like broadcast email, direct marketing, etc.



Column Sorting

The sort options for the reports have been move to the filter bar.  On select reports you can choose the column you wish to sort.  Release 5 has limited implementation of column sorting, but all reports will be done within the next few releases.












New Reports

Approved Orders with no Ship Date:  This report in located in the Orders -> Quick Filters section.

Back Orders to be Filled:  This report in located in the Orders -> Quick Filters section.

Complete - Pending Orders:  This report in located in the Orders -> Quick Filters section.

Detailed Sales: This report is located in the Sales section.  It is like the OM report, but includes the Web Order #.

Drop Ships to be Ordered:  This report in located in the Orders -> Quick Filters section.

Drop Ship POs: This report in located in the Purchase Orders section.

Orders - No Tracking Numbers:  This report in located in the Orders -> Quick Filters section.

Payment Methods - Source by Date: This report is located in the Miscellaneous section.

Payment Transaction Listing: This report is located in the Financials section

Sales by Supplier SKU's:  This report in located in the Sales -> Sales by section.

SKUs with multiple suppliers: This report is located in the Suppliers section.

Stock Items to be Filled:  This report in located in the Orders -> Quick Filters section.


The report category "Archives" has been added to the ribbon bar.

The report category "Orders" has been added to the ribbon bar.


Status Bar

A progress indicator has been added to the status bar to provide visual feedback for long running reports.  Several reports like the "Suggested Product Order", "Accounting Summary", etc. utilize the progress bar because of their long execution times.  Most reports do not require the progress indicator so you will only see it on reports which regularly have long execution times.



International Sales

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

Payment Methods

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

Sales at a Glance

  • Added the ability to choose between order date and approval date.  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

  • Approval date derives its data from the History table and the Order date derives its data from the Orders table.

Sales Activity Summary

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

Sales by Person

  • Changed the display values from GrandTotal to FinalProductTotal.

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

Source of Sale

  • 0 would display in the chart as a source of sale for enterprise users.  This is a compatibility issue between standard and enterprise users.  It's been fixed for enterprise users and no longer displays.

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

Top Inventory

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.

Top Suppliers

  • Added the ability to choose between order date (ProductTotal) and approval date (FinalProductTotal).  Approval date is set by default, but it is user selectable with the last selection being saved when Communiqué closes.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Approvals Pending

  • Moved to the Orders section. 

  • Added the ability to filter out cancelled orders.

Cancelled Orders

  • Moved to the Orders section. 

Daily Sales

  • Added Approval Date and Order Date filter options.

High Dollar Buyers

  • Added the ability to search by approval date.

  • Added a Source of Sale filter.

  • Added "Approved Orders" filter.

  • Switches values depending on date option chosen. 

Low Margin Sales by Order

  • Added the ability to search by approval date. 

Open Balances

  • Removed the reference to the ShipDate in the Order Details table.

  • Added the following filters:

    •  Customer ID

    • Last Name

    • First Name

    • Company

    • State

    • Source

Order Summary

  • Added Web Order # to the report. 

  • Moved to the Orders section. 

Order Tracking Info

  • Optimized the report and results are returned much faster.

Payment Accountability

  • Added a Transaction date filter. 

Payment Accountability by Source

  • Added a Transaction date filter. 

Pick List by Order

  • Order numbers were intermittently not printing on subsequent pages because they were not being reset correctly. 

Product Listing

  • Added a "Quantity on hand QOH > 0" filter.

  • Added a "Exclude discontinued SKUs" filter. 

Sales at a Glance

  • Added Approval Date and Order Date filter options.

Repeat Buyers

  • Added the ability to search by approval date.

  • Added a Source of Sale filter.

  • Added "Approved Orders" filter.

  • Switches values depending on date option chosen. 

Sales by Supplier

  • Added the primary supplier filter to prevent skewing values for non-primary suppliers. 

Sales Person by Date

  • Added a Source of Sale filter.

  • Added Approval Date and Order Date filter options. 

Sales Person Summary

  • Added a Source of Sale filter.

  • Added Approval Date and Order Date filter options. 

Shipping and Handling Time - SHT

  • Optimized the report and results are returned much faster.

Shipping Costs by Order

  • Optimized the report and results are returned much faster.

  • Added "Exclude drop ship orders" filter

  • Added the ability to filter by carrier and ship method. 

Suggested Product Order

  • Optimized the report and results are returned much faster.

  • The calculation for the Needed column now takes into account the QOH column.

Top Customers

  • Added a State filter so you can now view your top customers by State.

  • Added the ability to search by approval date.

  • Added a Source of Sale filter.

  • Added "Approved Orders" filter.

  • Switches values depending on date option chosen. 


Version 1.1.4 build 200, updated May 1, 2009

General Enhancements or Fixes

  • Fixed access violation when switching between stores/databases.

  • Added eBay Blackthorne database support.  For those using eBay Blackthorne, we can now create custom reports utilizing data from the Blackthorne database.

  • Source of Sale values would not reset when switching databases/stores.  This has been fixed and should work as expected.

  • Approved Orders flag found in certain data filters have been set to true by default to emulate OM reports.


New Reports

Accounting Summary from History: This report is located in the Financials section.

Low Margin Sales by SKU:  This report is located in the Sales > Low Margin Sales section. 

Sales by Supplier Products: This report is located in the Sales > Sales by section.

Shipping Costs by Order: This report is located in the Shipping section.


The sub section "Low Margin Sales" has been added to the Sales section.


Status Bar

Product versioning info has been added to the status bar so you can easily identify which version of Communiqué you are running.



Sales at a Glance

  • The sales numbers now matches the "Gross Sales Amt" found in the OM "Accounting Summary" New report for the same date periods specified.

Top Inventory

  • The product name is now coming from the Inventory table instead of the OrderDetails table.

  • Approval date is used instead of the order date.

Top Suppliers

  • Fixed an order by error.  The results were being ordered by the wrong column.

Low Inventory

  • New dashboard has been added.  This dashboard will display all SKUs whose QOH is at or below the reorder point.  It a means to alert you to low inventory levels.


Report Enhancements and Fixes


  • Added a reason filter to the data filters.  You can now search adjustments by the reason. 

Best Sellers

  • Added a source filter so you can filter by source of sale and shopping carts.

Daily Sales

  • The sales numbers now matches the "Gross Sales Amt" found in the OM "Accounting Summary" New report for the same date periods specified.

Low Margin Sales Report

  • The report was renamed to "Low Margin Sales by Order" and is now located in the Sales > Low Margin Sales section.

Orders at a Glance

  • The report was renamed to "Sales at a Glance" since the report represents gross sales and not order counts.

  • The sales numbers now matches the "Gross Sales Amt" found in the OM "Accounting Summary" New report for the same date periods specified.

Order Payment Transactions

  • Added the ability to filer by order date, approval date, and transaction date.

  • Enhanced the pay methods search filter so all payment methods defined in your SEOM payment methods table will appear in the drop down list.

Returns & Exchanges

  • Added a web order number field.

Sales Taxes by Jurisdiction

  • Added a source filter so you can filter by source of sale and shopping carts.

Sales Taxes by Order

  • Added a source filter so you can filter by source of sale and shopping carts.

Slow Movers by Category

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter to the data filers.

Slow Movers by Date

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter to the data filers.

Slow Movers by Supplier

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter to the data filers.

Top Inventory

  • Added a source filter so you can filter by source of sale and shopping carts.

Zero Sales by Category

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter to the data filers.

Zero Sales Listing

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter to the data filers.

Zero Sales by Suppler

  • Added an "Exclude Discontinued SKUs" filter to the data filers.

Version 1.1.3 build 170, updated April 14, 2009

Appearance Tab

Added the "Spring Time" color scheme to the More Schemes > Seasonal section.  A little something to get you in the mood for spring. 


New Reports

Payment Accountability:  This report is located in the POS section. 

Payment Accountability by Source:  This report is located in the POS section. 

Payment Methods by Month:  This report is located in the Misc section. 

Payment Methods by Quarter:  This report is located in the Misc section. 

Payment Methods by Year:  This report is located in the Misc section. 


Sales Quotes subsection was added to the Sales section to support the following new reports:

  1. Quote Summary by Date:  This report is located in the Sales section > Sales Quotes subsection

  2. Quote Summary by Sales Person:  This report is located in the Sales section > Sales Quotes subsection



Customer Returns

  • Fixed the query:  not taking into account Qty.

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

International Sales: 

  • Added the Countries table reference so erroneous data from the Orders.ShipCountry field does not show up in the report.  The bad data is still in there, it will not show up on the report anymore.

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Payment Methods

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Sales Activity

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Sales at a Glance:

  • Changed the aggregate value from GrandTotal to ProdctTotal column to more accurately display sales instead of revenue. 

  • The "This Week" and "This Month" filter tabs no longer accumulates projections.  It now display actual values for date period displayed in the chart.

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Sales by Person

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Source of Sales

  • The CardID field for Enterprise users can contain 0 so we are now taking this into account when displaying source of sales.

  • Added 7, 10, 14, 21, and 30 date filters.

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Top Inventory

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.

Top Suppliers

  • Added a "Last Year" toggle menu item to the popup menu for the chart.  You can now view last year numbers for any of the date periods specified through the date filters.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Accounting Summary

  • Added a date selection filter giving the ability to choose between Order Date and Approval Date.

Customer Returns

  • Format and data layout was changed to match the corresponding dashboard panel.

  • Fixed the query:  not taking into account QTY.

International Sales

  • Added the Countries table reference so erroneous data from the Orders.ShipCountry field does not show up in the report.  The bad data is still in there, it will not show up on the report anymore.

Orders at a Glance

  • Format and data layout was changed to match the corresponding dashboard panel.

Payment Methods

  • This report is renamed to Payment Methods by Date.

Version 1.1.2 build 162, updated April 03, 2009

New Reports

Credit Listing by Customer:  This report is located in the Financials section. 

Credit Listing by Order Number:  This report is located in the Financials section.



Top Inventory: 

  • Changed the Qty column from QuantityOrdered to QuantityShipped to accommodate Stone Edge's back order process.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Accounting Summary

  • The Gross Sales column was renamed to Total Sales.

  • The Total column was renamed to Grand Total.

  • The Grand Total column was not subtracting the discount.

Version 1.1.2 build 160, updated March 30, 2009

New Reports

Daily Sales:  This report is located in the Sales section. 

Sales by Category:  This report is located in the Sales > Sales by section.


The category reports in the inventory section were move en mass to the Sales section.  These reports were always sales related by category so the Sales section is a more appropriate place for these reports.  Most users would not think to look in the Inventory section for sales related reports. 


Approved Orders Filter Option

Where appropriate an approved orders filter option was added to certain reports.  This option will allow you to limit the results to approved orders only. 



Source of Sale: 

  • The values in the chart are now total sales instead of total orders.

  • Added Today and Yesterday tabs to the filter bar.

Sales by Person: 

  • Added Yesterday tab to the filter bar.

Sales Activity: 

  • Added Yesterday tab to the filter bar.

Payment Methods: 

  • Added Today and Yesterday filters

International Sales: 

  • Added Today and Yesterday filters

Top Inventory: 

  • Added Today and Yesterday tabs to the filter bar.

Top Suppliers: 

  • Implemented in the Dashboard.


Report Enhancements and Fixes

Accounting Summary

  • The Gross Sale field was displaying the wrong value.

  • The Total field was displaying the wrong value.

Inventory Details by Supplier: 

  • Report results were being skewed by the reference to the FIFO table in this report.  The FIFO table reference was removed since the info is already available in the Inventory table.

  • Added a QOH filter and defaulted it to 1.  The report is more meaningful for inventory on hand.

  • Added unit cost not blank option.  This option filters out the  inventory items with no cost amount.

Inventory Values by Supplier: 

  • Report results were being skewed by the reference to the FIFO table in this report.  The FIFO table reference was removed since the info is already available in the Inventory table.

Pick list by SKU: 

  • Added the ability to search by order number range.


Source of Sale Filters

Where appropriate a Source of Sale filter option was added to certain reports.  This option will allow you to limit the report results to specific order sources and carts.


You can now filter by the following Order Sources

  • MO for Manual Orders

  • PS for POS

  • Every single cart defined in your SEOM shopping cart screen. 

The source of sale was reengineered to be more useful and to allow users to truly report on the real source of sale.  The old method would aggregate all of your MIVA carts for example so you could not see the sales from 2 websites using the same cart type.  In this release, we are using the cart names so you can filter your reports by the actual websites.

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